Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mazes Plus current state and road map.

I'm still plugging away at my maze program. My most current version is shown to the left. I just finished the texture generation code for the walls and floor. I still need to do the buttons (currently green rectangles) and make the sky look a bit better. I still have alot to do, so I'm listing how development should be going.

0.0.1 Set up a simple one polygon Map, with the ability for the player to walk around.

0.0.2 Make a simple 4 wall room with basic collision detection.

0.0.3 Set up buttons, and allow the player to use them

0.0.4 Set up the begining of texturing

0.1.0 Basics of the world set up and working (currently here)

0.1.1 Collision Detection set up completely

0.1.2 Doors added

0.1.3 Doors interact with buttons

0.1.4 End of level flag added/implememnted

0.2.0 One complete level set up, Public Beta released

0.2.1 Menu system set up

0.2.2 Level from file support added

0.3.0 Multilevel support

0.3.1 Communications added, (allows the program to put messages up on the player's screen)

0.3.2 Tutorial Level Added

0.3.3 All other levels (aprox 16) completed

0.4.0 Demo released

0.4.1 Reserved for Bug Fixes

0.4.2 Reserved for Bug Fixes

0.5.0 Audio Support added (if time allows)

1.0.0 "Completed" Product released

1.0.1 Reserved for Bug Fixes

1.1.0 Modified for mod support (Map maker should be released some time around here)

1.2.0 Bug fixes

1.3.0 Program 'finished'. No more work to be done, except for any necessary bug fixes.

I'll probably have a playable game ready some time during summer.

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